Sports News (Rugby)Doctors and Academics are calling for a band on tackling in rugby

                                                        SPORTS NEWS(RUGBY)




A team of doctors and academics are calling for a band on tackling in rugby matches played in UK and Irish schools.In officially letter of ministers, they say injuries from this "high-impact collision sport" can have lifelong consequences for children.They argue two thirds of injuries in youth rugby and most concussions are down to tackles and urge schools to move to touch and non-contact rugby.The concerns have been raised as a seven-year programme headed by the Rugby Football Union is on target to introduce rugby to a million children in state schools across EnglandThe RFU's programme, which began in 2012 and is running until 2019, has so far reached 400 schools, with 350 to follow.In their letter to ministers, chief medical officers and children's commissioners in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, doctors say the risks for players aged under 18 are high.They say many secondary schools in the UK deliver contact rugby as a compulsory part of the physical education curriculum from the age of 11.Ministers said,"the majority of all injuries occur during contact or collision, such as the tackle and the scrum.""These injuries, which include fractures, ligamentous tears, dislocated shoulders, spinal injuries and head injuries can have short-term, lifelong and life-ending consequences for children."The doctors say concussion is a common injury, and they highlight a link between "repeat concussions and cognitive impairment and an association with depression, memory loss and diminished verbal abilities".One of the signatories of the open letter is Prof Allyson Pollock, from Queen Mary University of London, who has long campaigned about the dangers of rugby.She said evidence collected over 12 years showed rugby players up to the age of 18 or 19 had a 28% chance of getting injured over a season of 15 matches.She said,"if you're thinking of a million children playing every year with this risk of injury you're looking at 300,000 extra injuries a year, including up to 100,000 concussions."She added that 90% of injuries resulted in more than seven days lost from school.There are various forms of touch or tag rugby, in which tackles are replaced by touching a player or removing a tag from their clothing. Aspects of rugby such as scrums and rucks are also excluded from these forms of the game.

                               VIEW OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS

Jonny Cross, a PE teacher at Congleton High School in Cheshire - where rugby is compulsory from the age of 11 - says the sport provides a challenge.Mr Cross says children wear gum-shields and are taught how to maintain the proper posture in scrums to avoid injury, a technique known as "tower of power".He says,"Contact rugby helps build character. They are putting their body on the line in a match. The risk factor is part of it.""They enjoy the contact element. There is a 'boy factor' - it's partly about developing masculinity. They would be more likely to be bored by touch rugby."I would say that some students need it. It provides a challenge, where challenge is being taken out of everyday life."

                                                PARENTS AND PUPILS VIEW 

The RFU said it took player safety "extremely seriously" and it was currently undertaking a large-scale injury surveillance and prevention project in schools.A spokeswoman added: "We believe that rugby is a fantastic sport for children with many physical and social benefits, which can include an increase in confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline, as well as getting enjoyable physical exercise while working as part of a team."Teachers frequently comment on notable off-pitch improvements when the sport is introduced in their schools."

                                         RUGBY EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY

The Welsh Rugby Union said it too took player safety "extremely seriously".In a statement WRU said,"We believe that rugby is a fantastic sport for children, and when inactivity and obesity are major societal issues, the health and social benefits of rugby participation massively outweigh any potential drawbacks.""Among the many positive benefits rugby brings for children is an increase in confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline, as well as getting enjoyable physical exercise while working as part of a team, learning skills which help them in the wider world."


South African schools allow tackling, as do schools in Australia - although there has been a recent push to make children wear protective headgear, but this is not compulsory.In New Zealand, tackling is permitted, but in some schools it is banned in lunchtime games that are not being supervised.Former England rugby player Matt Perry said: "If you take the tackle out of rugby what have you got left? Where do you stop?"Matt Perry added: "I took a risk when I started rugby at seven and I'm afraid at school level if that tackle is taken out we've lost one of the great games and one of the great cultural games."The Association for Physical Education said contact versions of the game should be introduced and managed only by "suitably experienced staff" following recognised guidelines.The association said,"The wearing of personal protective equipment (mouth guards and head protectors where appropriate) is recommended at all times.""Parents should be aware of what sports are taught in the schools they choose to send their children to - if rugby is taught, then parents send their children to the school in the knowledge that they are likely to be asked to play rugby at some level."A spokesman for the Department for Education in England said: "Team sports, such as rugby, play an important role in developing character."We expect schools to be aware of the risks. 

associated with sporting activities and to provide a safe environment for pupils."