Sports News(Hockey)Sports Facilities and Guidelines for Sports of the Hockey Game.

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                               Sports Facilities and Guidelines for Sports of Hockey



              Hockey international game.It is a popular Sports.A hockey field should be perfectly plane as otherwise the ball will tend to rebound or go out of course.For hockey field,turf with close mown grass is best suited.Straws or wisps of grass impedes its play.These should be removed.Barn floor type coat which is not hard is also used in preparing hockey fields.In some countries sand field with finally screened sub soils and dust free material are also used.Such like fields are compressed well by rollers so that it gives required resistance.The field is 91 m long and 55 m wide.The longer line is called side line and the shorter one,is called back line.The field is divided in two halves longitudinally by drawing a central line.A line at a distance of 22.90 m from the back line is also marked in each part.This is called the quarter line.Two lines to the side lines at a distance of 6.40 m are marked.These are in the form of dash line.These are called roll-in-lines.The striking circle is in the middle of the back line and has a radius of 14.63 m with the goal post as the centre.
                                                        The two post on the back line should be at a distance of 3.66 m from each other.The height of the lower edge of the cross bar over the goal post is 2.14 m.For penalty corner hits,the back side is marked on both sides of the goal at 4.55 m the goal post.     

In front of the centre of the goal a mark is made at a distance of 4.55 m.On each side of the four corners marking are made at a distance of 2.80 m from the corners.At each corner of the field,flag posts are fixed at the end of the center line and the quarter lines but these are 91 cm from the side line.The goal post is fixed at the center of each back line touching the outer edge of the back line.Neither of the goal post should extend beyond the cross bar.The post and cross bars are painted white.The back boards of the goal posts are 1.25 m in the length and 0.45 m in the height.