Sports News;Guide lines for the difference sports for Boys and girls and Sports injuries

                                                            Gender difference

Gender conditioning can start at early age.Boys are taught to play ball and be tough,while girls play dress up and house.Once kids reach the age at which they can play sports,boys have the upper hand.Beyond the obvious differences between games boys and girls,such as base ball for boys and soft ball for girls.There are many other differences relating to gender that affect youth sports.

                                                              Participation Gap 

There is a substantial gap between the number of boys who play sports and the number of girls.One factor that contributes to this gap is the lack of female coaches.Because girls often express more interest in the emotional and social issues then athletics,having a female coach not only teaches them how to play the game,but can also serve as a mentor and role model to girls.

                                                            Socioeconomic status;

Economic status,as well as where you live,can also effect what opportunities are available for both genders.According to 2008 Women Sports Foundation study,over half of all African,American parents report a lack of sporting opportunities for girls as compared with the available boys sports programs,in general,parents in rural,urban and other low income communities report that there are more athletic resources for boys then ther are for girls and said that the school athletic programs offered more spport for boys programs then for girls.

                                                                  Sports Injuries

It is quite clear that body of a male person is far stronger then the body of female.So females are more prone towards the sports injuries as compared to males.Women suffer injuries more often then men.The anterior cruciate ligament,the knee cap joint and shock absorber cartilage in women have a relative risk of being injured.ankle injuries in contrast show no difference in severity of injuries between the genders.