Sports News-ATHLETICS-General information of The Playing Field of Athietics-(TRACKS)

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               The Athletics sports are included large number of events.These events can be classified in to categories,track and field.Track events are  those which are played on the track inside the stadium.These include races,sprint races,middle distance races and relays and hurdles.The field event are those which are played either inside or out sides area of the track or out side of the stadium.Events such as jumping,throwing,walks and road races come with in this category.

The Playing Field Of Tracks;

                                                   The tracks are either of grass or are made of cinders,synthetics material which are not too hard and are skid proof.For making cinder ,synthetics track,the material in mixed up in proper proportion and is to be laid in three layers of requisite thickness as indicated below.lower layer broken bricks/concrete are used for construction of this layer.It has a thickness of 15 cm to 20 cm.

Intermediate Layer;

                                  Crushed clay bricks are used for laying this layer.This layer is about 15 cm.Top layer is between 6 cm to 10 cm and is made up of the aggregate and the binder soil.The aggregate consists of half burnt coal cinder,red bajri,crushed bricks and brick dust.The binder soil is of powdered clay.The aggregate and clay should be mixed in the ration of 3:1.The material used can vary and the thickness of the layer depends on the nature of the material.Whenever,8 lane trackis laid,a 4 lane should also be laid for training.All competitions of International importance are now a days held on synthetic tracks. 
                                                                                                                                               The main track of 8 lanes of 400 m in circumference .It is used both for competition and training.The other 4 lane track which is exclusively meant for training is 200 m in circumference.The length and breadth of the main track are 175.40 m x 96.40 m.Two semi circles of radius 38.20 m are drawn at two ends and these are joined by two straight lines,each 79 m long.The width of each lane is 1.22 m to 1.25 m.The width of 8 lanes,therefore,works out to 9.76 m to 10.00 m.A border is made on the inside of the first lane of the track.It is made of cement and metal and should be 5 cm.In height as well as in width.The track should have a slope 1:100 laterally and 1:1000 m in either direction.The inside and  outside areas of the track are used for jumping and throwing events.For all the races which are run around,the start is staggered.The competitors are expected to run in their lanes.If they touch their line or cross it,they will be disqualified.The races are run in the  anti clock-wise direction and come to an end at a fixed point.